said Pooh happily, 'you're just in time for a little smackerel of something'...
july 2022
I bloomin love food...
...tasty food.
I look forward to it, my day revolves around it.
Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack & dinner...oh and another snack.
Does this look nasty or nice to you?
I'm undecided about how it looks, but I can tell you, it tastes amazing - I didn't know I had it in me to eat 4 lettuces in one sitting.
Turns out I do.
In fact, as I write, I'm finding it hard to concentrate, as I'd really quite like to go and cook this now.
When you join us for a craft class, you'll be provided with a selection of snacks, a bit like these tiny pizzas...
...along side a sweet treat pudding & some tasty nuts.
I recently read that if you eat nuts with every meal it helps stabilise your sugar levels... it's not based in science, but I've been trying and really found it's helped.
So don't worry, you won't go hungry.
If you have any dietary requirements, just say that word & we'll do our best to accommodate you.
Also, I love nuts, so if you have a nut allergy - we need to talk.