...something to work towards.
David Attenborough once said that one of the secrets to happiness is having a shared goal*.
Mine is to live somewhere warm and sunny where I can swim in the sea without a wetsuit...
...I've been trying to convince my family that this is a good idea, so that it can become a shared goal, then perhaps we stand a chance of making it happen.
Each time we visit the Pla region of Mallorca, we drift round streets of the villages looking & imagining what our lives would be like if we lived there.
This door is the stuff dreams are made of.
The last time we visited the house was being renovated, giving us a glimpse of what lay behind the arched wooden door.
My dream is to host craft classes behind a door like this during the heat of the day when it's too hot to be outside, to provide sanctuary in a tranquil space for you to create a memory, rest & heal.
The last time we went, I came back bursting with ideas & inspiration.
The wildflowers growing at the side of the road,
or the swallows steadily swooping overhead
or the mountains in the distance changing moment by moment...
It's the dream which keeps me going, I wonder if we'll make it happen?
Do come & visit if we do.
*click here to listen to the happiness lectures on BBC sounds.